Laymen’s Corner
Chapter 16: In this chapter we can see another mistake Abram and his wife Sarai made. While they were in Egypt, Sarai got a personal maid named Hagar. When GOD did not immediately give Abram and Sarai a son like He promised, Sarai decided to help GOD with His promise. She took Hagar her maid and told Abram to take her and have a son by her. Abram did what Sarai asked him to do and Hagar had Abram’s son who was named Ishmael.
This is almost a repeat of what happened in the Garden of Eden. (We seem to never learn). Being human, Hagar looked down on Sarai when she had Abram’s baby when Sarai could not. Abram told Sarai to do with Hagar whatever she wanted to so Sarai reminded Hagar who she was and was harsh with her from then on. Hagar ran away to escape Sarai’s wrath. Then GOD met Hagar and told her to go back and submit to Sarai and He would make it all right for her. Abram was 86 years old when Ishmael was born.
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