Three Rights Make a Left

Forney has great neighbors
One of the greatest gifts Forney has to offer are our neighbors. Lori and I are the original owners of our house in the Pinson Addition and over three decades we have seen neighbors come and go and had great relationships with most of them. One case in point are my terrific neighbors, Colin and Shana. They have lived next door to us for several years. I have talked to Colin a lot over the years when I am home. It is usually when we get home at the same time in the afternoon. Like Tim the Tool Man and Wilson, we would talk under the shade of the crepe myrtle trees along his driveway. The conversations were seldom deep, but really? How often do conversations between two guys delve into anything past sports, work and kids?

Forney Messenger

210 W. Broad St.
P.O. Box 936, Forney, TX 75126
Phone: 972-564-3121
Fax: 972-552-3599