Laymen’s Corner

We believe and are sure that You have saved our  souls, placed Your spirit inside, and put a seal around it so it cannot be touched by  the Evil One ever again. You have also given us the right  to come through Your spirit into Your very presence to  make our requests known and receive Your answer.  More often than not we make our “wants” known  rather than our needs,  but You are all wise and always know the difference  and keep us out of trouble by granting our needs,  (although sometimes You  do grant us our wants too). We are always asking for  this or that or about everything  we can think of which includes people’s sickness,  troubles, and the ill’s of our lives and country.

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Forney Messenger

210 W. Broad St.
P.O. Box 936, Forney, TX 75126
Phone: 972-564-3121
Fax: 972-552-3599